GS Labs company is a developer of complex solutions for the formation of digital ecosystems, creation and delivery of electronic products based on its own technologies. Last year we helped the brand team to develop the concept of merchandise design for employees and external contractors, which would help to develop and increase GS Labs brand awareness both inside and outside the lab.
Design concept of merch for an IT company

Design concept of merch for an IT company

When we see the result of any work, we are rarely aware of the underside of it: the idea, the process, the effort put in. In our fundamentally two-sided concept, we showed not only the "flowers" grown by IT specialists, but also the importance, the depth of their roots, the whole huge layer of work that is hidden from most eyes.

The visual beauty of the result, visible to the average viewer, is combined with the no lesser beauty of what the result grew out of. This is the code of the work, and its beauty is not only external, but also internal — it is the beauty of thought, idea, intelligence and professionalism of the team.

The essence of the concept assumes that the images on the front correspond to the codes on the other side of the object, that is, they were created through these very codes.

The resulting digital art is very flexible, the implementation can be varied - while the two-part essence of the idea is always preserved.

In the process of refining the design concept, we decided to turn an abstract art visual into a more substantive image. One of the company's divisions had a fingerprint in its sign, so we took it and modified it to be digital and pixelated. So, it became a stylistic element for the further development of the entire design concept.

The last stage of the project was the adaptation of the concept to the media - sweatshirts, T-shirts, mugs and coasters for them — as well as a stickerpack with the playful phrases of IT people.

Creative team
Art-director Sergey Samofalov
Copywriter Anton Borisov
Designers Tatyana Savchuk
Project Manager Anna Artemova
191119, St. Petersburg,
61 Marata St., lit. 10Н
Opening Hours
пн-пт с 10:00 до 19:00